Unication Voice Pagers

The G Series Voice Pagers were designed specifically to solve the problems both Dispatch Centers and firefighters encounter when the on-site system undergoes the conversion from Analog Two Tone to P25 Trunking.

The G Series Voice Pagers have Automatic Demodulation to detect the required protocol, and switch without manual input. This means saving costs—no need to buy new pagers after your dispatch center upgrades to Digital.

With the remarkable capabilities of dual band Analog / Digital Auto Modulation, as well as Auto Protocol Detection, G Series Pagers allow you to listen to both Dispatch and the on-site radio with just one pager, even if they are in different systems. Most importantly of all, there will no longer be any gaps in information, guaranteeing the efficiency and safety of all firefighting personnel!

Firefighters can also receive more detailed on-site information with the G Series Voice Pagers. Additional information can be sent alongside each voice call, such as location coordinates, addresses, maps and images... all in order to provide firefighters with the required information to get the job done fast. When saving lives, every second counts.
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